
Dear mother-to-be,

Enjoy your pregnancy. Experience this plea sant time in the best of health and soon you will be holding a healthy baby in your arms. But remember, for the next few months you need three times the minerals you needed before you became pregnant.
  1. single need = normal need for maintenance
  2. doubled need because of your missing periods
  3. tripled need for the growth of your child
Each day take seven teaspoons or more of AlkaLife spread out over the course of the day to maintain your own health and beauty and for the growth of your child.

You will not have your period for ten to twelve months. This is why you need a "substitute menstruation" for your metabolism. For this you should take alkaline full baths using AlkaBath.

Take alkaline foot baths often. Put alkaline compresses on your belly. At night wear Alkaline Stockings as often as possible. Your body and your child will thank you for doing so.

Daily regimen during pregnancy

  • Extensive alkaline hand and feet brushing
  • Dry body brushing in elimination direction
  • 2-3 cups of 7x7 Kr
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